


The Mellon Grant Faculty Student Summer Research Collaboration Program is a competitive grant program that supports or employs anti-racist inquiry broadly, and/or Black Studies 方法和教学法,由梅隆基金会资助. The program enables Skidmore faculty and students to engage in significant 项目s 在夏天. 该项目应与学生和教师密切相关 member's curricular, pedagogical, scholarly or creative interests and should be planned 由学生和教师共同完成. 项目应确保 良好的学生学习成果.

  • 可能是合作的,但也可能包括其他类型的指导经验
  • 可以推进教员的研究议程吗
  • 可能是学生发起的

The 项目 should be defined in such a way as to permit completion of a substantial 在研究期结束时完成项目的一部分. 今年夏天的参与者 research program are expected to work from campus 为 the duration of the program. However, if remote off-site work is required, a 项目 may involve time spent at 另一个位置(e).g.,作为收集资料的实地工作的一部分). 在这个 在这种情况下,提案必须包括这种特殊要求的理由.

Faculty-student partners on 每一个 项目 will give an oral report on the planned 项目, explaining goals and methods, early in the period; participate in a discussion about the Faculty Student Summer Research Program in early July; and submit a 最终报告, demonstration, poster, exhibition or other appropriate activity on progress and achievements 在结束时.

  1. 我们希望资助教师与一两个学生的合作. 项目基本原理 应该清楚地说明每个学生在项目中扮演的角色吗. 学生 希望在项目上兼职,每周最多20小时.
  2. Each student participant will receive one stipend (depending on the number of 项目 周),最高可达4,000美元. 指导一名学生暑期研究的教员 Project will receive a stipend of $3,500 为 a 10-week 项目 or $1,750 为 a 5-week 项目.
  3. 学生在为期10周的课程中只允许提交一份提案. 他们可能 apply 为 back-to-back 5-week sessions (one first session and one second session) 前提是他们每个人都有不同的教师担保人. 这些为期5周的提案将会 被认为是彼此独立的. 每个学生参加一个为期10周的项目 为期5周的课程是支付4000美元还是2000美元. 所有学生都将免费领取 在助学金期间,在火博体育的校园里提供食宿. 因为这个程序 emphasizes the sharing of ideas and experiences, students are strongly urged to live 在校园. 在特殊情况下,学生可以获得学校的许可 Steering Committee to live off campus (in such cases the students will have to provide 为自己的住房,不提供额外的生活津贴). 是否 living on or off campus, students are expected to participate in all Faculty/Student 研究小组活动.
  4. Faculty will have access to travel funds 为 themselves and students (not more than $1500).
  5. 学院也可以向FDC申请资金.g.(AD hoc,旅行阅读)支付 the costs of travel to conferences where faculty/student teams will report the results 他们的研究或印刷出版的进一步费用. FDC的预算就是这样 costs is limited, and faculty are urged to use departmental funds as well to help 支付他们的费用. 学生可以向学生机会基金申请支持.

Africana Studies Faculty Student Summer Research Awards are highly competitive and 资金有限. 希望参加暑期研究的教师和学生 Program should submit an application to the Steering Committee by Friday, Jan 26, 2024. The Committee will communicate its recommendations 为 funded proposals to faculty 2月11日(星期五)之前的赞助商. 2, 2024. 然后,学院赞助商将通知学生合作者 为他们的项目提供资金的建议. 如果一个学生合作者是 subsequently unable to participate in the approved 项目, faculty may petition the 指导委员会申请资助另一名学生. 教师的赞助商 must confirm their student collaborators and their intentions to pursue 这个项目 2024年3月1日(星期五)之前通过电子邮件发送给指导委员会. 未能坚持 这些截止日期可能导致赠款资金的撤销

The application should consist of the following clearly marked components (one application 为 每一个 学生):

  1. 学生和教员的名字. 说明是否有任何一方参与了 学生暑期研究计划,如果有,是什么时候.
  2. 项目的名称.
  3. A description of 这个项目 (600 words maximum) written in a fashion comprehensible to non-specialists, including the relevance of 这个项目 to the mission of the grant and Africana Studies at Skidmore: a focus on issues of racism and racial justice, racialized systems of power, colonization and decolonization, and intersecting oppressions, engaging with the experiences of Black folks in North America and/or the African diaspora. 
  4. A statement written by the faculty member providing a description of the working relationship with the proposed student and how the experience benefits the student's educational, professional, and/or creative goals; a justification 为 the requested grant period 以及有关外部资金的信息. 如果与多个学生一起工作,那么 faculty member should rank order them (in case all students on 这个项目 cannot 资助).
  5. A statement of the goals, proposed activities, and 为mat of the final outcome (e.g., 期刊文章、展览、网站、会议报告等.).
  6. An itemized budget listing the costs of equipment and supplies needed to complete 这个项目.
  7. Proposals that involve human subjects or the use of human tissues are subject to the 学院院校审查委员会(IRB)的要求. IRB指引、常见问题、 表格可于以下网址索龋 http://www.火博体育.edu/irb . Proposals that involve the use of vertebrate animals are subject to the requirements 理大机构动物护理及使用委员会主席. IACUC指南 和表格可通过联系IACUC主席获得. IRB和IACUC的批准是 not a prerequisite to submitting a Faculty Student Summer Research Grant but are required 在研究开始之前.
  8. 教师和学生申请人的签名.
  9. If faculty are submitting more than one proposed 项目, the faculty member should 对它们进行排序(以防两个项目都无法获得资助).
  1. 这些奖项竞争激烈,资金有限. 每个提案将是 根据项目的优点,可行性,陈述的清晰性来判断 以及学生学习的本质.
  2. Projects that have the potential 为 generating continuing work of an intellectually 奖励期结束后奖励性质优先.
  3. Where proposals are equivalent in merit, selection of proposals will favor distribution 在尽可能多的学科中获得资助.
  4. Where proposals are equivalent in merit, 项目s that support diversity and inclusion 无论是题材还是参与人员都将受到青睐.
  5. 项目将由非洲研究指导委员会选择.
  1. Other summer commitments that either the student or the faculty member may have must 不要干涉这个项目的要求. 学生将不获资助 在资助期满后留在学校.
  2. 申请须注明资助期.
  3. Faculty-student teams are expected to be present 为 the group sessions 为 the final reports unless prior arrangements have been made with the program coordinator 为 学院学生暑期研究计划,当奖项被接受. 参与 参赛队将获得一份预计参加会议日期的时间表.
  4. All financial documentation and itemized receipts need to be submitted to the Steering 在暑期课程结束前,我将向委员会提交一份报告. 支出必须用于支持 项目目标.  
  5. All materials and/or equipment purchased with the aid of grant funding become the 当资助项目完成后,该项目将成为火博体育学院的财产.
  6. A 最终报告 学生和教员都需要什么. 期末报告 会议将构成最后报告. 然而,如果最后的陈述不是 made at the final meeting, a written 最终报告 must be submitted by the student and the faculty member to the Steering Committee by September 15 immediately following 研究项目开始的那个夏天. 可能导致未能提交最终报告 预支款项将被视为应税收入,并将取消参与者的资格 未来的资助机会. 在线提交的最终报告将包括以下内容 后:
    1. 用于支持某项工作的费用明细表和收据 这个项目.
    2. 在资助期内完成的研究的简短书面总结.


感兴趣? 按钮旁边的箭头 梅隆基金夏季研究合作 选项卡并单击 马上申请!