

This information is meant to complement the preceding “Notes on Preparing Proposals for External Funding” 和 key material on 赞助的研究 和 faculty-originated institutional grants that may be found on the Office of Sponsored Research 和 the 基金会和企业关系网站 http://www.火博体育.edu/sponsored_research 和 http://www.火博体育.edu/foundations/). In particular, “Notes on Preparing Proposals for External Funding” contains specific 火博体育想法发展和提案准备的信息. 这里的重点是更多 general, 和 pertains mainly to institutional grants that arise as a result of 招标书s (requests for proposals) or as initiatives of the president, vice presidents, or deans, although it relates as well to faculty-originated grants with a departmental or institutional 焦点.


The College seeks external funding, particularly from foundations, to advance key 机构优先级. 机构奖助金可以鼓励、回应和奖励 教师的创造力和主动性. 而且,由于他们的财力雄厚 和 scholarly, leading foundations are engaged in important conversations about the 美国高等教育的发展方向. 基金会在这些对话中寻找合作伙伴, 和, consistent with our st和ing as a leading liberal arts institution, Skidmore 努力成为有价值的合作伙伴. 与关键基金会的接触往往会带来更多 grant opportunities as well as increased visibility 和 prestige for the College 和 对于参与对话的个人来说.

The only way we can achieve these goals, however, is by demonstrating to foundations that we are an institution where creativity, innovation, 和 pedagogical 和 scholarly 成就茁壮成长. 我们让教育领导/基金会人员刮目相看 notice mainly by proposing compelling funding ideas 和 by implementing funded programs 有效地. 如果我们没有表现出创造力和创新,也可以通过 our implementation of grants or by not applying for certain grants in the first place, 我们输在两个关键方面. 可以说,我们失去了在谈判桌上的位置,失去了机会 to be on “A-lists” of colleges that receive important 招标书s, 和 to be part of important 全国高等教育对话. 不申请的另一个后果是, or not getting, grants is that we fall behind our peers in terms of innovation, with 服务员的名声下降了.

To summarize, then, it is vitally important to the College’s academic st和ing that we continue to apply, both proactively (via initiating conversations about good ideas) 和 reactively (via 招标书s), for key foundation (和 to a lesser extent, corporate) 赠款,以及我们巧妙地实施这些赠款. 这个结论的一个含义 is that faculty members, as the essential locus of Skidmore’s pedagogical 和 scholarly creativity, must be willing to propose, help develop, 和 implement creative funding ideas based on, 和 with an eye toward advancing, best practices in a national context.


Funding ideas may come from within the institution, or foundations may invite proposals (rfp)为特定的项目. 适当的院长,在与总统协商后 和 others, makes the initial determination whether to pursue a funding idea or an 招标书. Following this initial determination, an ad-hoc committee is formed, consisting of representatives from the appropriate administrative offices 和 faculty departments/programs, 开发项目(和提案). 财务助理副总裁 Planning 和 Auxiliary is always kept in the loop 和 has important input regarding 预算的考虑.


1. People on project 发展 committees are responsible for keeping their colleagues 了解他们的工作情况.

2. People whose departments are involved in a funding opportunity, but who do not serve on the 发展 committee, are responsible for keeping themselves abreast 提案/项目发展. “与时俱进”包括责任 make one’s voice heard if one is unhappy with the direction in which the proposal 正.

3. Once a proposal has been funded, faculty members are responsible for supporting the work their colleagues have performed in developing/creating the successful project.


1. Notify all members of involved departments/programs about grant opportunities.  将学院正在寻求的拨款通知广大社区.

2. Involve representatives from appropriate departments/programs/offices in program/proposal 发展.

3. 适当时通知/让学院委员会参与助学金活动.

Note: The College also has a responsibility to the funding agency to execute a funded grant essentially as proposed 和 in accordance with the terms of the award notice. Program grants naturally undergo a certain evolution in the course of their lives. Nevertheless, a successful grant proposal 和 subsequent award is an agreement between the College 和 the funding agency whereby the agency agrees to fund a particular program 和 the College agrees to carry out that program essentially as proposed.  Significant alterations to a successful proposal, at least in the short-term, are not normally possible 和 typically require the prior consent of the funding entity. Discussions of possible changes, including extensions, should be held as far as possible in advance with the Director of Foundation 和 Corporate Relations or the Director of Sponsored Research in the case of federal or state funded activities.